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Roll of Honor
Allie (Maltese) - Deb.B
Ariel (Horse) - Erin W.Ariel
Bailey (Shih Tzu) - Becky H.
Bailey (Shih Tzu) - Mary G.
Barney (Cat) - Dennis M.
Bear - Tammy J. G.
Beau (Bichon Frise) - Enrique and Heidi A.
Buddy (Shih Tzu) - Mary G.
Black Jack - Melvin
Charlie (Poodle) - Amy G
Chewey (Cocker Spaniel) - Amy G.
Chloe (Cockapoo) - Tiffany G.
Cleo (Lab mix) - Kim M.
Coco, (aka Socorro, Cat) - Letitia M.
Coda (Yorkie) - Lynn M.
Colonel Chaos - (Corgi) - Anonymous
Daisy - (Cocker Spaniel) - Kathryn P.
Fey (Golden Lab) - Karen L.
Fizbo - Golden Retriever - Karen L.
Gizmo (Hedgehog) - Sam D.
Gogoi (Cat) - Madeleine D.
Goober (Cat) - Martha L.
Gracie (Chihuahua) - Sue M.
Gradient (Cat) - Dennis M.
Gus (Tortoise) - Kimberly L.
Halo (Maltese) - Satish J.
Hank (Dog) - John and Sarah S.
Hank - Tammy J. G.
Heidi (Long Haired Doxin) - Marcy C.
Henry (Coton de Tulear) - Lisa G.
Holly - (Golden Doodle) - Karen L.
Izzie (Yorkie) - Becky H.
Julee (Dog) - Mary H
Kitkat (Cat) - Marian G.
Kwazii (Dog) - Cecelia H.
Lacy (dog) - Nancy B.
Leo - (Golden Retriever) - Tammy G
Lily (Coton de Tulear/Bichon) - Lisa G.
Lucy (dog) - Marian G.
Mable (Dog) - Madeleine D.
Madeleine (Cat) - Pat S.
Maggie - (Dog) - Gary Pastorelle.
Major Mischief (Corgi) - Anonymous
Mango - (Parrot) - Madeleine D.
Max (cat) - Otoski T
Mia (Chihuchua) - Anne B.
Miss Poocha (cat) - Licy J.
Monkey (Australian Shepherd) - Anonymous
Oliver (dog) - Beverly C.
Oliver (Corgi) - Elizabeth W
Pepper (Cat) - Laura R.
Piper - (dog) - Patricia J.
Pita (Cat) - Deborah B.
Playboy (American Saddlebred Horse) - Beth R
Poppy (Dog) - John and Greg B.
Ralph - (Golden Retriever) - Dan and Emily H.
Rex - (Snake) - Madeleine D.
Rory (Labrador Retreiver) - Kim M.
Sally (Yorkie) - Kim V.
Samus (Cat) - Kimberly L.
Serena (Dog) - Gaffigan J.
Sherry (Horse) - Erin W.
Sir Chester Copperpot (dog) - River W.
Snow White (Cat) - Emile D.
Sunny (Service Dog) - Karen L
Tomas - (Poodle/Yorkie - Melanie Krissek
Tutu (Maltese) - Satish J.
T J - (Dog) - George L.
Zoe (dog) - Nancy B.

To enroll your pet as a MercyPet, please make a donation
and then send us an e-mail at Please forward the acknowledgment e-mail from Dayton Foundation in your e-mail to us.
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