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Madeleine finds a home. I had been wondering all year what would I do when winter comes. This cutie was an outdoor cat and I cared for it all year long. Until, this harsh winter would either have to have her inside my house or die. Well, look at her! She is in and has claimed my bed and me. But she is also a MercyPet. She was shown mercy and now she is showing mercy. It is a win-win.

Pat S.


This is Grady from Wild Birds Unlimited of Kettering. Grady was adopted from SICSA ten years back and has been in the store "greeting" customers. And he is truly in need of some mercy....check out that look. But he is now a MercyPet along with Barney (previous picture).  

Meet Barney! If you have ever shopped at Wild Bird Unlimited Nature Shop, Kettering, OH, you have most probably been welcomed by Barney. Barney is a customer favorite, and has the attitude of... well, you guessed it right, a cat! Now, Barney is also a MercyPet. 

- Dennis McDaniels


Posee of Puppies.jpg

Our little "Posse of Pups Herd" is happy to be a part of the MercyPets family! They all like eating, playing Frisbee, and knowing that people are able to eat and play too because of MercyPets. The Corgis are Major Mischief, Colonel Chaos, and the Australian Shepherd is Monkey.

- Anonymous


Fey is a Service Dog in Training for 4Paws for Ability in Xenia.  I will train her for a few more months, then she will go into Advanced Training at 4Paws where will be trained for a specific child for specific tasks.  Service dogs are trained for many tasks. They can detect high and low blood levels in diabetic children, seizures,  behavior disruptions and can be taught to track a child who may have wandered away   Pictured is Fey after the Blessing of the Animals on the Feast of St Francis. Now wherever she is sent for service, she will be a MercyPet.


This is Sunny. She is a Pied Cockatiel and 3 years old. We are absolutely in love with her. She is quiet and sweet and we are so glad that she is now also a MercyPet.

Alex and Madeleine Demedtriades 


Please meet Quilliam (Gizmo) Shakespare, our two-year-old hedgehog. He likes sleeping all day, eating dried worms and people's fingers, and running on his wheel at night. He dislikes strangers and bath time. Gizmo shares our belief that together we can banish children's hunger.

- Sam Dorf

We would like to introduce Kota, our newest MercyPet! Kota lives with our committee members, Jeremy & Mel McWilliams. His owners say "We consider him our bonus pup, as he originally lived with our son in North Dakota. We can't imagine our home without this sweet, gentle beast!" We are happy to support MercyPets and their mission!

Jeremy and Mel McWilliams


Poppy is a mini Golden Doodle born May, 2020.  She weighs in at 31.8 lbs..I take her to John at St. Joseph Home 2 x per week. She runs into his cottage and greets the staff.  We throw her ball for chasing down the halls.  She seems to sense the residents are special needs. What a sweet dog.  She rides around on John’s lap on wheelchair quite often. Poppy is now a MercyPet.

Dr. Gregory B.

I would love for my Coda to become a MercyPet!  I “rescued” (not really) Coda from my niece’s family as they were getting a big dog and Coda is definitely an “only dog”!  God sent her to me 6 months after I lost Shadow and a year after my husband passed away.  She is totally spoiled!  My philosophy is if you don’t plan to spoil your pet, don’t get one! 

Lynn M.


This is Maggie.  Our family adopted her from a shelter when she was 8 weeks old and she has been our loyal companion for the past 13 years. We have always had other pets in our family over the years but no one quite like Maggie. She always greeted us with a smile to say hello and request a back rub when we entered the room. We recently lost her and are donating to MercyPets in her name. 

Gary P.

Meet Rex the snake, Mango the green cheek conure parrotlet, Mable the dog, and Gogol the cat (look hard to the cat in the pictures). This is the first time a snake and a parrot have become MercyPets. Together representing reptile, bird, and animal kingdom they join fangs, wings, and paws to bring hope to hungry children. 

Alex and Madeleine D.

Dan's Lab.HEIC

This is Ralph. He just turned one and is a playful puppy. He loves to fetch ball and play with his friends at the park at "yappy hour." Ralph is "yappy" to be a MercyPet.

Dan and Emily H.

February 2021 - Ohio -Cold - Dreary - A Global Pandemic - and a Chihuahua puppy needs a forever home in New Orleans. Within a day, travel plans to meet this pup were underway. Upon arrival it took only a moment to know that this pup would be a new edition to the family. My sister and I always believe there are Angels Among Us. So Angel (on the left of picture) was chosen as her name. She is living her best life. She brings a lot of smiles as we take walks in the neighborhood. She is a faithful and loyal companion. And now she has a brother to share her best life. Enzo - who is also a MercyPet.

- Ann and Therese B.


Leo is our newest pet Golden Retriever and what other day to make him a MercyPet other than Giving Tuesday, 2023. All our other pets are MercyPets and Leo is joining the team to alleviate child hunger.

Tammy G.

This is our rescue, Enzo. We do not know his real name. He was found without a collar, tag, or microchip on a cold fall dawn at Immaculate Conception School grounds. Our priest, Fr. Satish Joseph took him in and asked us if we would foster him for the weekend. But we fell in love with him and he now stays with us and our other Chihuahua puppy, Angel. He has been ill and is gradually recovering. He is a rescue but now he is a MercyPet and rescues hungry children. 

Ann and Therese B.


Fizbo (we call her Bo) is a Service Dog in Training for 4Paws for Ability in Xenia.  I will train her for a few more months, then she will go into Advanced Training at 4Paws where will be trained for a specific child for specific tasks. Pictured is Bo after the Blessing of the Animals on the Feast of St Francis. Now wherever she is sent for service, she will be a MercyPet.

Karen L.

Gracie was rescued off of I95 in Miami, FL on Thanksgiving in 2009.  By the Grace of God, she was not hit by a car hence her name “Gracie!”  She was approximately two years old and no owner could be located. We adopted her and now live in Ohio with our wonderful companion, Gracie. Now she is proudly a MercyPet and rescues children from hunger and malnutrition.


Holly is a Service Dog in Training with 4 Paws for Ability in Xenia. I am fostering and doing basic training with her in the hopes she will be a Service Dog  for a child in the months to come. She is a sweet and lovable Golden Doodle who was born on Christmas Day. Even though she will be with us for only a year , she will always be a member of our family. Proud to call Holly a MercyPet.
Karen L.

Hi!  My name is Julee!  I was named after St. Julie Billiart, foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame.  My "mom" Rita Heider and my Aunt Mary attended St. Helen Parish where the Sisters of Notre Dame taught for many years, and since my grandfather and grandmother were of French descent, mom named me after St. Julie!  I went to heaven on September 1, 2022, and I am buried in my mom's backyard next to a statue of St. Francis!  I know mom and Aunt Mary spent a lot of money on my care over the years, and especially in my last months when I was very sick.  I falso know I was loved so much, and I am grateful to anyone who donates to Mercy Pets on my behalf to help little children who don't have enough to eat!
Mary H.


Hi, I am Max. My dad Tom didn't really want me in the beginning. But Tom and Kathy couldn't help falling in love with me. You see, I actually came to his grand-daughter's home, but I couldn't get along with the Daisy, the Labradoodle. Tom and Kathy took me in, and now that Tom is alone, I give him my good company and all. I even wake him up bright and early and in return he allows me to hang out with my outdoor friends and even allows them to come and hang out with me. Tonight he came back from a dinner and told me that I am a MercyPet! Yea!!!

Thomas O.

TJ and I saved each other. I was coming out of a rough period where I lost almost everything. He was in a kill shelter on his last days. I was told he might be a problem, but he was perfect from day one. I believe God put him as the hook in my heart (as St. Catherine of Siena might say) and he was the love of my life. He taught me how to truly LOVE. And he taught me so many things. He was fearless (except about fireworks and thunder), loyal, independent and ridiculously funny. I donate in his memory knowing that I will see him again. 

- George L.


Sunny has been a therapy dog for four years. Before the current COVID-19 problem, Sunny visited Dayton Children's hospital, Springfield hospital, nursing homes, schools and children's library reading programs. She was also one of the select Dayton Airport Dogs. Now she is also MercyPet.
- Karen L

Oliver the Corgi loves doing yoga, and has perfected the "downward dog." A true contemplative, he peers intently into human eyes and communes deeply with compassionate hearts. Along with all dogs, his pure, unconditional love mirrors the divine. Olly hopes his contribution furthers the merciful work of MercyPets. 
- Elizabeth W.


Meet Luna and Gerald (GT for short). These sweet kitties live with us, Mel and Jeremy. In 2016, these two barely few-days-old kittens along with their siblings were tossed into the flowerbed at St. Helen Parish. I received a frantic phone call from Fr. Satish, who was attending a meeting there. "We have to save them!" he cried. I took them home to stay with us just until we found a home for them. After a few days we knew they were not going anywhere! There has never been a time that we have either cats or dogs in our house. I am so glad that Luna and GT are MercyPets. I am also very happy to be part of MercyPets (I am the newest MercyPets Committer member) and our work to feed hungry children in our area and beyond. 
- Mel McWilliams.

Meet Mia! She is winner of the July 4th pet picture contest. Here is her story. "Mia has brought a lot of joy to young and old. She is very friendly and always wags her tail. You would never know she is a senior at the age of 12 . She has endured some truly medical miracles. At an early age she had a stage 1 cancer mast cells removed. For the last four years she developed mitral heart issue and managed with no complications. This past February, she had a tumor on her spleen which began to burst. The survival rate and timing to catch this issue is less than 5%. After the tumor was removed, she is now living he best life. She walks the neighborhood daily brining a smile to everybody she meets along the way. - Anne Bissacco. 


Meet Gus! Gus is the first tortoise to be a MercyPet. Kimberly, her own writes, "Gus will be turning 22 the end of July! When I was given him, he was almost dead. It took 10 months of antibiotics, shell cleaning, dry time, and other care to get him turned around. I have had him for two years and we are still trying to maintain his good recovery progress. When I took him to the vet, he was so bad, they had to do a scrape test and his shell bled. He has soft shell, shell rot, a respiratory infection, sepsis, vitamin deficiency, and a tap worm. Its by God grace he has survived. He is doing ver well now. - Kimberly L.

Samus is a MercPet. As her owner says, "Samus just turned 18 in May. She has been my best friend for the last 16 years.  I was caring for her while her owner was on vacation at my apartment and when he returned, he said I could keep her because we had bonded so close. - Kimberly L. 


Meet 13 year old registered American Saddlebred. His show name is "Play Dirty" but he goes by Playboy or PD. He resides as Sugar Knoll farm in Huber Heights where he is trained. He is super athletic and has won many blue ribbons, including championships at several national level horse shows. He loves the spotlight and being in the show ring and his favorite treats are peppermints. PD is really picky about who he choses as his human partner, but once he decides, he trusts you. He is a sweet, kind fellow and he will do anything you ask. MercyPets welcomes you, Playboy! - Beth, R. 

Meet 28 year old Sherry and 24 year old Ariel. They are the latest MercyPets and the first horses to be on the MercyPets Roll of Honor! Thank you, Erin W., for caring for pets and hungry children. 


Hank and Bear are mixed breeds. We fostered Bear’s brothers for a friend and then we adopted him from SICSA when he was old enough. We got him So 6 years ago as a tiny puppy. Hank was alone in the cage next to him and we said, "Well he needs a home too!" They are 2 weeks difference in age! Bear is the baby of our family weighing in at 101lbs. I am so glad that my babies are MercyPets now!

- Tammy J. G

Meet Tomas. He is a Poodle/Yorkie mix. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, when we were out of town, Tomas injured his disc and was paralysed. We were not sure how things would go. After prayer, a blessing by our priest, and medical evaluation, it was determined that he has a 80 - 90 percent chance of a successful surgery. I am happy to report that Thomas survived surgery. The surgeon said that she was able to remove the entire disc from the spinal cord. She said that it was a very large rupture but he did well and is optimistic about the outcome. Tomas will come home soon. Tomas is proud to be a MercyPet.
- Melanie K. 


Heidi is 9 years old and I am 91. I am in good health. I take her to walk in the park each day. Heidi is a MercyPet because I made a deal with God. I went to renew my driving license and was afraid that I would lose my license because of my age. I said to God that I would make Heidi a MercyPet if I did not lose my driving privileges. Of course, now that Heidi is a MercyPet, you can figure out the story. 
- Marcy C. 

We were looking for a new dog after, very sadly, we had to rehire our labradoodle due to behavior issues with the kids.Looking for another doodle we found a fluffy whoodle - Kwazii. She is named our daughter's favorite character from the Octonauts (Kwazii the cat). Kwazii has been the most wonderful addition to the family. And now, I am very more glad because Kwazii is a MercyPet. 
- Cecelia H.   

A friend searching for a home for her Bichon Frise on Fathers' Day 2012 must have sensed that Beau would make the perfect addition to our family. What a beautiful gift we received! We have since forms a mutually nourishing relationship with our fluffy friend. We provide Beau with a warm home, a loving family, long walks, and plenty of food, and he in turn cleans our floors after dinner, allows our daughters to dress him up in all sorts of costumes and teaches us the meaning of true companionship and unconditional love. Beau is honored to be a MercyPet and is thankful for the opportunity to continue two of his favorite things - food and children.
Enrique and Heidi A.

Enclosed is a small donation to the MercyPets Fund. I appreciate you sending it to the proper recipients. I do not do anything online but play scrabbleThis is in memory of my last pets "Ivory" (she was 18 years old), and my Sheltie, "Gigi" (12 years). As the mother of eight children I cannot count the number of pets we gave a home to. May God bless you in your good work. The picture in the paper captured the joy on the face of you and Tutu. 
Ruth F. 

My mom was finishing up chemotherapy and we found Charlie at the Clinton County shelter. He was nine months old. He was rescued from a backyard breeding situation. He was never socialized. he was very, very shy at first but immediately attached himself to me. He's come a long way since we've gotten him. He can be very standoffish towards strangers, especially men! And then there is Chewey. We got him at the Fairfield Commons Mall as a birthday gift originally intended for my son, Jack. His name certainly fits him because he chewed on everything when we first got him. But he is the sweetest, most loving teddy bear and loves everybody... and yes, that includes men. Now, he might pee on your foot, but that's because he loves you! I am so glad that both Charie and Chewey are now MercyPets!!!


Lucy is a Puggle (Pug and a Beagle mix) who loves to sunbathe and bark at any and all wild animals in our backyard. KitKat is just a clumsy short haired cat that likes to play-fight and lay around and be lazy. In her younger years Lucy loved to play by ripping the stuffing out of her toys. She has been known to chase a deer or two. She loves to go on walks even if it’s just up and down the street. Every night Lucy sleeps in my bed taking up as much room as possible.
Kitkat, on the other hand, is a very wild and defiant clutz. KitKat does not know he is not a kitten anymore. He loves to play with toy mice filled with catnip. It is almost routine for KitKat to lay across his mom’s chest while she tries to read. KK seems to be the night watch cat for our home because stays awake roaming the house every night. And then he sleeps all day! Both animals are very special and we love them! 
- Dalton G.  

Meet the first MercyPet from India. Her name is Miss Poocha. Like most cats in India, she is an outdoor, indoor cat. We do not know where she came from. One day, she landed at our house looking for food. Since then, she has lived with us. She loves fish, both raw and cooked. Unlike in many other places around the world, cats and dogs eat left-overs and on special occasions food cooked for them at home from fish or meat and rice. Similarly, the practice of declawing a cat is not a common practice in India. Because Miss Poocha has her claws, she often hunts mice and brings it to show it to us. She has had one litter thus far. We are very happy to enroll Miss Poocha as a MercyPet. "Let's go girl! Lets do some good in the world."
 - Licykutty J. 

This is Pepper. He is 16 years old and still pretty active and fun. Pepper was four months old when he joined our family in 2001. After searching for months we found him at an animal foster home in Bellbrook and were charmed by his ability to play fetch. He makes chirping sounds and loves popcorn. At 16, he is slowing down a bit, but occasionally will still play fetch. We are proud to have Pepper join MercyPets and help end childhood hunger. 
 - Laura R.

Let me introduce you to Lacy and Zoe. They are both seven years old and they both came from SICSA to find their forever home. We have had them for about six years. They ended up being at SISCA because they came from Humane Society. We love them so much. They are happy to be MercyPets!

 - Nancy B.

Meet Izzie and Bailey. Izzie (Yorkie) 7 years old. She is a real girly girl. She puts up with a lot of puppy play from Bailey and never hesitates to put him in his place when he gets out of hand. Bailey, (Shih-Tzu) is one year old and has so much personality. He LOVES his toys and adores is big sister Izzie. They bring so much happiness to my life. 

 - Becki H.

After he was adopted, Goober was already a beloved part of the family. If I am cooking in the kitchen, he is always there; when I get up in the morning, he leads the way downstairs (OK, to tell me he needs more food); when I fall asleep at night, he is there sleeping on or near me. He was quite skittish when he was adopted, but now he puts up with us picking him up to carry him around and pet him. Goober is family and we love him. We love him more now because he is a MercyPet. He brings the plight of hungry millions to the forefront of my mind with a gentle nudge. 

- Martha L.

Sir ChesterSir Chester Copperpot was rescued in July 2014 by a good Samaritan who found him tied out in the back yard of an empty house with no food and no water. He came to live with my husband and me about a month later, and we’ve loved him ever since. Despite everything that he’s been through, Chester is the most loving, trusting, playful little spaniel. He loves everyone-- but he especially loves children, who never seem to tire of playing fetch with him! I hope that he doesn’t remember being hungry as a puppy, and I hope he doesn’t understand how lucky he is. But whether he realizes it or not, Chester is constantly passing on the love that has been given to him, and that makes us the truly lucky ones. In gratitude for Sir Chester Copperpot, and the life that we are blessed to share with him, we’ve made a commitment as a family to help end childhood hunger. We’ve made Sir Chester Copperpot a Mercy Pet. - River 

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